Oakland City Council approved city-wide parking minimum reduction, zero parking requirement near transit hubs, and some parking maximums. The new parking rules also included Transportation Demand Management options for new development, such as car-share, transit passes, and unbundled parking.
Cities like Seattle, Houston, and Washington DC are celebrating Park(ing) Day by allowing citizens to create more active and interesting public spaces out of curb parking spaces. Buffered bike lane, human-sized bubbles, park space, arts and crafts, the sky is the limit. Where is Portland’s Park(ing) Day?
Want better transit and reduce congestion? Try parking levy. Nottingham, UK, has successfully implemented a work-place parking levy to fund public transit. Some even argue that parking levy is more desirable than congestion pricing.
You might hate paying for parking, but that doesn’t mean paid parking is a bad idea. This article helps you see the rationale behind paid parking. Paid parking is better for businesses, for cities, and for everyone who uses the street.
Parking Benefit Districts: A key fix for parking and housing affordability issue supported by community groups is within reach but the City of Seattle is hesitant to reach out and grab it.
Parking concerns take a back seat in pursuit of affordable housing. Parking is a real enemy to affordable housing. In the age of car-share, ride-share, bike-share, autonomous vehicles, we should be thinking about making more room for people and not for more cars in our cities.
Google’s Waze now can navigate you to the “best” parking spot near your destination. Once again, we see private firms trying to make parking easier for people but forget the fact that the opportunity for tech-firms to developer parking products is mainly caused by local government’s mismanagement of parking resources. If cities are willing to reform its parking policy and charge the right price to achieve a targeted occupancy, every driver’s parking experience can be dramatically improved.